A separate agency for Google Ads, the company webpage and social media marketing? Not necessary with 12AHEAD! So that the innovative Zurich agency can focus completely on their client projects, Athina and Florian relied on Accounto.

Manages and produces your Digital Marketing & Multimedia Content

What many young people aspire to, Athina and Florian deliberately rejected – a secure job in a large corporation. As digital natives with offbeat ideas, they had been observing the great potential that still existed in the online marketing of SMEs and start-ups.

When the first Corona wave rolled over Switzerland at the beginning of 2020, the two childhood friends could no longer close their eyes. Overnight, proven sales and customer channels were disappearing. The call for digital solutions increased rapidly – the time for 12AHEAD had finally come!

Athina and Florian also had to decide how to approach the topic of accounting. As a digital full-service agency, only the most digital accounting solution in the Swiss market came into question for the founding team.

What SMEs have to say about Accounto

Miro Hegnauer, CEO Konova

„You can start small, but scale the solution over time to the needs that automatically grow in a start up!“

Co-Founder, 12Ahead GmbH

“As a full-service digital agency, a 100% digital accounting solution was extremely important to us“

Johannes Lermann, COO & Co-Founder, Boostbar AG

“Thanks to Accounto and our trustee, we can concentrate fully on Boostbar.“

Co-Founder, Reverse

“All communication takes place via the platform, i.e. via the Accounto app. This means no tedious ping-pong messages via email and long waiting times on the phone.”

In a short conversation, Athina and Florian revealed to us, among other things, why the police almost stood in the way of their start-up project.

In the course of our conversation, I did a little research … According to Google, there are over 500 marketing agencies in Zurich alone. Why do you need 12AHEAD?

Athina: In fact, the offer is extremely diverse. But especially in the digital area, only a few agencies offer a full service, which is especially appreciated by our SME and startup customers!

What exactly do you mean by full service?

Athina: With us, a client receives all digital marketing services (including multi-media production) from a single source: from Google Ads to video production to website management. This eliminates the tedious process of searching for and putting together the desired services. We have a tailor-made offer for every customer at a fair price!

Especially since the COVID crisis, I think everyone has understood: Digital marketing should be high on the agenda of every company. However, many find it difficult to put this into practice. Fresh and sometimes unconventional approaches from the outside are in great demand.

Florian: Exactly! Our customers also always have a central contact person who supports them holistically in digital marketing. This creates a win-win situation: the customer benefits from first-class service and we get to know their individual needs even better.

How did you guys end up choosing entrepreneurship?

Athina: We (Joel, Florian and I) were all at a turning point last spring: Joel wanted to join the police, Florian was facing a career change and I had just finished my studies.

When the first COVID wave hit our country, the initial situation changed abruptly – our plans dissolved or shifted into the future. Having worked in a digital agency myself, I was well aware of the difficulties around digital marketing.

With the COVID crisis, I saw the time had come to implement my ideas. I told Florian and Joël about my plans – they were immediately enthusiastic.

And Joël didn’t join the police after all?

Florian: No (laughs). He liked the tasks with us better. He is currently developing into a real talk show host for our podcast “Headstart”. With the first video podcast for young entrepreneurs, we want to give this group a voice. We also want to inspire our viewers to push their own start-up ideas.

And who takes care of the bookkeeping for you?

Florian: Yes, that’s one thing … (laughs). Basically, we wanted to do as much as possible on our own to save costs. We therefore started with a “free” software and booked wildly.

But it quickly became clear that this would not work! The effort was too high and in case of problems we had no support. So, we looked for an alternative.

Athina: Exactly. Since I had already had positive experiences with Accounto at my former employer, we took a look at the solution. After the individual live demo, we were immediately convinced!

Why did you finally decide to choose Accounto?

Athina: As a full-service digital agency, a 100% digital accounting solution was extremely important to us. Our credibility sinks if we preach digital and send paper invoices. Accounto’s accounting platform met this requirement best.

Florian: We were also convinced by Accounto’s support, which was completely lacking with the old solution. If we have a problem, we can contact either Accounto or our trustee. That helps immensely!

How does the fiduciary support you?

Florian: The trustee takes over all the work that we can’t do with our accounting skills. For example, he takes care of the VAT invoice or payroll accounting. This gives us security and even more time for our core business!

What could Accounto do even better in the future?

Athina: I think a project pipeline would be great! That way, you would always have an overview of the possible projects, which can then be converted into orders or invoices with just one click.

We will gladly take up this point. Finally, I’d like to know what your plans are for the future.

Athina: We would like to grow and push ahead with our own start-up project. We are also keen to offer young people an entry into the digital marketing world in the future. This way, we at 12AHEAD are guaranteed to keep our young, dynamic and sometimes a bit cheeky demeanor.

Thank you Athina and Florian for these insights! We wish the 12AHEAD team continued success and look forward to working with them in the future.
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Accounto vous libère complètement, vous et vos clients, de toutes les tâches comptables. Pour mieux comprendre comment nous procédons, il vous suffit de vous inscrire à la version d’essai et de vous en rendre compte par vous-même. Pour que les week-ends libres et les soirées agréables soient programmés pour vous aussi !

Avec Accounto, tu peux
  • Archiver les pièces comptables numériquement
  • Payer les factures
  • Créer des factures
  • Gérer les note de frais
  • Décompte des salaires
  • Gérer les données de base du personnel
  • Gérer les tâches
  • Comptabiliser les pièces comptables de façon automatisée
  • Rapprocher les transactions bancaires de manière automatisée
  • Créer des rapports financiers
  • Établir des budgets