Leave time-consuming bookkeeping to the machine and save costs.
Automatic bookings
Accounto generates automatic accounting entries for the extracted documents, enabling you to outsource time-consuming tasks. From journal entries to sub-ledger reconciliations, everything is done completely autonomously according to the highest quality standards.

Automated reconciliations
Time-consuming account reconciliations can be handed over to Accounto. Thanks to optimal interfaces, bank transactions can be automatically assigned to the posted business transactions. This eliminates the need for manual reconciliation of sub-ledgers.

Definition of accounting rules
With Accounto you have the possibility to create customer-specific posting rules. This allows you to directly influence the automatic posting processes. For example, invoices over CHF 1,000 can always be posted to fixed assets.

Maximum control
Both the automatic and predefined posting records can then be verified and adjusted as required. This means that you always have the last word on how a business case ends up in your customer accounts.

Quality assurance
Qualified fiduciary specialists check each created posting individually. If any ambiguities arise, Accounto initiates the escalation procedure. You can view appropriate business cases and make a manual posting.